美国经济制裁的执行机构主要通过将自然人和实体纳入制裁名单以及追究自然人和实体民事甚至刑事责任的方式确保美国经济制裁法律法规得到执行。面对近期盟友们出现的制裁松动迹象,美国正在加大向盟友的施压力度。2022年12月2日为了保证欧盟制裁措施得到充分执行,弥补相关法律漏洞并增加对违反制裁行为的威慑力,欧盟委员会提出将违反制裁的行为列入《欧盟运行条约》the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU第八十三条第一款中所列的欧盟刑事犯罪清单。被列入该清单的个人最高可处五年监禁,公司可能面临不低于全年全球营业总额5%的罚款。
本文主要通过美国海外资产管理办公室the Office of Foreign Assets Control (以下简称“OFAC”) 官网上的一个典型案例,简要分析如交易涉及俄罗斯被制裁的实体或个人时,需要考虑的跨境贸易合规风险。放上英文原文以兼顾英文读者的阅读习惯,并附上作者基于个人理解做出的中文翻译,有些地方可能不精准,仅作为案例分享材料供大家参考。
Information concerning the civil penalties process is discussed in the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) regulations governing each sanctions program; the Reporting, Procedures, and Penalties Regulations, 31 C.F.R. part 501; and the Economic Sanctions Enforcement Guidelines, 31 C.F.R. part 501, app. A. These references, as well as recent final civil penalties and enforcement information, can be found on OFAC's website at
有关民事处罚程序的信息在OFAC管理的每个制裁项目的条例中进行了讨论。《报告、程序和处罚条例》[2],31 C.F.R.第501部分;以及《经济制裁执行指南》,31 C.F.R.第501部分,附录A。这些参考资料以及最终民事处罚和执法信息,都可以在OFAC网站 [3]上找到。
ExxonMobil Corporation Assessed a Penalty for Violating the Ukraine-Related Sanctions
Regulations: ExxonMobil Corp., of lrving, Texas, including its U.S. subsidiaries ExxonMobil Development Company and ExxonMobil Oil Corp. (collectively, "ExxonMobil"), has been assessed a civil monetary penalty of $2,000,000 for violations of the Ukraine-Related Sanctions
条例:埃克森美孚公司,位于德克萨斯州埃尔文市,包括其美国子公司埃克森美孚开发公司和埃克森美孚石油公司(统称 "埃克森美孚"),因违反《乌克兰相关制裁条例》而被处以200万美元的民事罚款。
Regulations,31C.F.R.part 589 (Ukraine-Related Sanctions Regulations). Between on or about May 14, 2014 and on or about May 23, 2014, ExxonMobil violated§ 589.201 of the Ukraine Related Sanctions Regulations when the presidents of its U.S. subsidiaries dealt in services of an individual whose property and interests in property were blocked, namely, by signing eight legal documents related to oil and gas projects in Russia with Igor Sechin, the President of Rosneft OAO, 1 and an individual identified on OFAC's List of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons (the "SDN List") (referred to hereinafter as an "SDN").
条例,31 C.F.R.《乌克兰相关制裁条例》第589部分。在2014年5月14日前后至2014年5月23日前后,埃克森美孚违反了《乌克兰相关制裁条例》第589部分第201条的规定,其美国子公司的总裁与一个资产和资产收益被封锁的个人进行了服务交易,签署了八份与俄罗斯石油和天然气项目有关的法律文件,被封锁的个人是俄罗斯石油公司Rosneft OAO[4]总裁伊戈尔-谢钦Igor Sechin,他被列入了OFAC特别指定国民和被封锁人员名单 List of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons(以下简称 "SDN")。
On March 16, 2014, the President issued Executive Order 13661, "Blocking Property of Additional Persons Contributing to the Situation in Ukraine," 79 Fed. Reg. 15,535 (Mar. 19,2014) ("E.O. 13661"). E.O. 13661, among other things, granted the Secretary of the Treasury the authority to designate officials of the Russian Government, and blocked any property and interests in property, and prohibited any dealing in any property and interests in property, of a person so designated. Section 4(b) of E.O. 13661 expressly states that U.S. persons are prohibited from the receipt of any contribution or provision of funds, goods, or services from the designated person. In response to multiple media inquiries from March to April 2014, the White House issued press guidance or held press calls in which Senior Administration officials stated that the focus of sanctions against high-level Russian cronies at the time was to identify individuals and target their assets instead of the companies they manage and that U.S. persons are prohibited from doing business with persons who had been designated under E.O.13661.
On April 28, 2014, OFAC designated Igor Sechin pursuant to E.O. 13661 and added him to its SDN List. The Department of the Treasury stated in a press release announcing the action that "[a]s a result of today's action ... transactions by U.S. persons or within the United States involving the individuals and entities designated today are generally prohibited."
On May 8, 2014, before Exxon Mobil signed the legal documents, but after the above-referenced White House statements were made, OFAC issued the Ukraine-Related Sanctions Regulations that included definitions of "property" and "property interest" that, along with the prohibitions in E.O. 13661 and the public statements made by the White House and the Department of the Treasury, made clear U.S. persons may not deal with any persons designated pursuant to E.O.13361, including Igor Sechin or receive, deal in, or benefit from any service a designated person might provide.
2014年5月8日,在埃克森美孚签署法律文件之前,但在白宫发表上述声明之后,OFAC发布了《乌克兰相关制裁条例》,其中包括对“资产” 和“资产收益”的定义[5],第13661号行政命令的禁令以及白宫和财政部的公开声明,均明确指出美国人不得与第13361号行政命令指定的任何人员进行交易,包括与伊戈尔-谢钦,或接受、或交易或受益于被指定人可能提供的任何服务。
Despite these prohibitions and ExxonMobil's global market and sophistication, ExxonMobil moved forward with signing the legal documents with designated person Igor Sechin between on or about May 14, 2014 and on or about May 23, 2014.
Warning Signs That the Conduct at Issue Constituted a Violation of OFAC Regulations
ExxonMobil claims that it interpreted press statements as establishing a distinction between Sechin's "professional" and "personal" capacity, in part citing to a news article published in April 2014 that quoted a Department of the Treasury representative as saying that a U.S. person would not be prohibited from participating in a meeting of Rosneft' s board of directors.
However, that brief statement did not address the conduct in this case. Furthermore, the plain language of the Ukraine-Related Sanctions Regulations (which were issued after the Executive branch statements) and E.O. 13661 do not contain a "personal" versus "professional" distinction, and OFAC has neither interpreted its Regulations in that manner nor endorsed such a distinction. The press release statements provided context for the policy rationale surrounding the targeted approach during the early days of the Ukraine crisis, which was to isolate designated individuals who were targeted as a result of the crisis in Ukraine, rather than imposing blocking sanctions on the large companies that they managed. No materials issued by the White House or the Department of the Treasury asserted an exception or carve-out for the professional conduct of designated or blocked persons, nor did any materials suggest that U.S. persons could continue to conduct or engage in business with such individuals.
埃克森美孚声称,新闻声明可以解释为对谢钦的 "职业 "和 "个人 "身份进行了区分,并部分引用了2014年4月财政部代表发表的一篇新闻声明报道,说美国人不会被禁止参加俄罗斯石油公司的董事会会议。然而,该简短声明并没有涉及本案中的行为。此外,《乌克兰相关制裁条例》在行政部门声明之后发布,第13661号行政命令的明文规定中并不包含 "个人 "与 "职业 "的区分,而且OFAC既没有以这种方式解释其条例,也没有认可这种区别。新闻发布会上的声明是乌克兰危机初期围绕目标方法的政策理由提供的背景信息,即孤立因乌克兰危机而成为目标的指定个人,而不是对他们管理的大公司实施封锁性制裁。白宫或财政部发布的任何材料都没有宣称对被指定或被封锁人员的职业行为有例外或豁免,也没有任何材料建议美国人可以继续与这些人进行或从事商业活动。
Separately, there was a Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) publicly available on the OFAC website at the time of the violations that specifically spoke to the conduct at issue in this case,though framed in the context of the Burma sanctions program. FAQ #285, which OFAC issued in 2013 and was publicly available on OFAC's website at the time of ExxonMobil's violations, stated that U.S. parties should "be cautious in dealings with [a non-designated] entity to ensure that they are not providing funds, goods, or services to the SDN, for example, by entering into any contracts that are signed by the SDN." In rebuttal to this guidance, ExxonMobil has pointed out that OFAC's regulations state that different interpretations may exist among and between the sanctions programs that it administers, but FAQ #285 clearly signaled that OFAC had, in a sanctions program also involving SDNs, viewed the signing of a contract with an SDN as prohibited, even if the entity on whose behalf the SDN signed was not sanctioned. OFAC acted consistently with that approach in this case.
另外,在违法行为发生时,OFAC 网站上有一个公开的 "常见问题"(FAQ)模块,其中特别提到了本案中的争议行为,尽管是在缅甸制裁项目的框架下提出的,OFAC于2013年发布的第285号常见问题,在埃克森美孚违法行为发生时已在OFAC网站上公开,该问题指出,美国各方应“在与非被指定实体打交道时保持谨慎,以确保他们没有向SDN提供资金、货物或服务,比如,签订由SDN签署的任何合同。” 为了反驳这一指导意见,埃克森美孚指出,OFAC的条例规定在其管理的制裁项目之间可能存在不同的解释。但第285号常见问题明确指出,OFAC在处理同样涉及SDN的制裁项目中,认为与SDN签订合同是被禁止的,即便该SDN所代表的实体并没有受到制裁。OFAC在本案中的行动与这一做法一致。
The issuance of E.O. 13661 and the publication of the Ukraine-Related Sanctions Regulations prior to the violations at issue here; press statements by the White House and the Department of the Treasury regarding prohibited transactions with persons designated under E.O. 13661; and previous OFAC precedent published in 2013 and available on OFAC's website at the time of the violations all clearly put ExxonMobil on notice that OFAC would consider executing documents with an SDN to violate the prohibitions in the Ukraine-Related Sanctions Regulations.
第13661号行政命令的发布和《乌克兰相关制裁条例》的公布是在本案所涉违法行为发生之前。白宫和财政部关于禁止与第13661号行政命令被指定的人员进行交易的新闻声明;以及2013年公布的OFAC的先例,在发生违法行为时均可在OFAC的网站上查阅,这些都清楚地告知了埃克森美孚, 与一个SDN签署文件,OFAC将会认定违反《乌克兰相关制裁条例》的禁止性规定。
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