主 任:扶羽斌
副 主 任:丁芳 叶文威 刘兴翔
秘 书 长:丁芳
1. 能源企业设立
2. 项目开发
3. 土地合规审查
4. 项目建设及并网
5. 项目运维
6. 能源项目投融资
7. 项目合规性整改
8. 能源企业供应链管理
9. 环境类PPP项目全过程法律服务
10. 环保、安全、健康核查及合规咨询(HSE咨询)
11. 环保法律风险评估管理及防范
12. 能源产品贸易救济和贸易合规服务
Energy Resources & Environment Committee
Hiways has integrated the advantages of its head office and domestic and foreign branches to establish a professional team who has strong expertise and is proficient in energy law, natural resources law and environmental law, so as to provide full-process legal services for the energy, natural resources and environmental projects carried out by domestic and foreign clients, promote the research and judicial practice of energy law, natural resources law and environmental law.
In China, the nuclear power, wind power, solar power and other energy industries normally encounter the diversity of investment entities, uncertainty of policy, environmental interference, etc., and may face relatively large legal risks in the respects of project application/approval, land use, project construction, financing, grid connection, electricity price, subsidy acquisition, share transfer, dispute resolution, etc. Lawyer’s professional services can effectively prevent, identify, control and resolve the legal risks and disputes, and escort the smooth development of the projects.
In the past dozen years, Hiways has provided professional legal support in the fields of hydropower, nuclear power, wind power, solar power, hydrogen energy, petroleum, natural gas, LNG, CBM, coal, gold mine and other kinds of mines for its domestic and foreign clients. Hiways provides comprehensive legal services covering investment design, project development and construction, project financing, project M&A, project compliance, daily management for the project, dispute resolution, etc. Through its rich experiences in serving the energy industry, Hiways has helped many energy customers to solve legal risks in a timely and effective manner, and has won praise from the customers.
At the same time, as the governments, international organizations, and the general public place more attention to the environmental issues, companies face increasing regulation and public pressure when they deal with the impacts of their operations to the environment. Over these years, Hiways has dealed with many environmental issues for domestic and foreign clients, including project development, impact assessment, approval and licensing, climate change, product cycle analysis, due diligence, risk management and dispute resolution, etc. Hiways has involved in various environmental projects including water and sewage treatment and emission, watershed treatment, river treatment, and water diversion works. Hiways is not only capable to provide a full range of environment-related non-litigation legal services such as environmental administrative licensing, HSE compliance review, due diligence, investment and financing for environmental project, construction, mergers and acquisitions, listing, refinancing, establishment and operation of environmental public welfare funds, asset securitization, etc., but also has rich practical experiences in handling various environmental disputes such as public interest litigation for environment, administrative reconsideration and administrative litigation, civil litigation and arbitration.
1. Establishment for energy enterprise
2. Project Development
3. Land Compliance Review
4. Project Construction and Grid Connection
5. Project Operation and Maintainance
6. Investment and financing for energy project
7. Supply chain management for energy enterprise
8. Full-process legal services for environmental PPP projects
9. Compliance correction for energy project
10. Environment, safety, and health verification and compliance consultation (HSE consultation)
11. Environmental legal risk assessment, management and prevention
12. Trade remedy and trade compliance for energy product
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