JunZeJun Assists Shenzhen Noposion Pesticide Co., Ltd. in the Non-Public Issuance of A-Share Stocks
On 23 November 2020, the application for the non-public issuance of A-share of Shenzhen Noposion Pesticide Co., Ltd. ("Noposion"/“诺普信”, stock code: 002215) was approved by the CSRC. Acting as PRC legal adviser, our Shenzhen Office assists Noposion in the Non-Public Issuance of A-Share Stocks and provides legal services throughout the project.
Noposion is a high-tech enterprise that develops, produces and sells agricultural inputs and provides specialized comprehensive agricultural services. It has now constructed a new pattern of development basing on three business modules, which are “research, production and marketing of agricultural materials”, “agricultural integrated services” and “specialty crops industry chain”. Noposion is making commitment to achieve its corporate goal "No longer outdated the Agriculture is, while famers achieve happiness". For more than ten years, Noposion has been firmly ranked No. 1 of China’s top 50 pesticide preparations.
The non-public offering was jointly completed by Mr. Chen Youchun, Mr. Tang Duyuan, Mr. Chen Benrong, Mr. Wang Chengbin and Ms. Huang Yuan based in JunZeJun Shenzhen Office.
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