安 徽 崔 翔 律 师 事 务 所 安徽崔翔律师事务所于2010年4月经安徽省司法厅批准设立,系芜湖市首家个人律师事务所。 本所自成立以来,一直坚守“以法为力、析理维权”的办所宗旨,为广大委托人提供了准确优质的法律服务,赢得了社会各界的认同,已办理各类案件逾千件,并担任政府机关、企事业单位、社会团体法律顾问五十余家。办理的案件涉及民商事合同、刑事、损害赔偿、劳动争议、公司股权、金融、房地产、知识产权、对外贸易等各个领域。 创办人崔翔律师1987年毕业于安徽师范大学,双本科学历,法学、理学双学士学位,中共党员,中国法学会会员。崔翔律师自1995年执业以来,始终秉持精业、勤业、诚信、务实的服务理念,在认真办好每个案件之外,还不断地进行总结和理论探讨,先后发表多篇论文。执业以来,崔翔律师数次被评为优秀(先进)律师。 本所其他律师均受过本科以上法律专业高等教育,具有较强的办案能力和丰富的司法实践经验。 电话:(0553)8728006、 13905538411 ANHUI CUIXIANG LAW OFFICE Anhui Cui Xiang Law Office, founded in April 2010 and approved by the Department of Justice of Anhui Province, is the first individual law office in Wuhu city. Since establishing, the office insistson the purpose of "Take power of law, safeguard rights based on legitimate analysis",and has been widely recognized due to its accurate legal services. Meanwhile, it has handled thousands of cases and served as legal adviser for more than 50 organizations, including government agencies, enterprises and social groups. The cases involved in civil and commercial contracts, criminal cases, injury compensation, labor disputes, equity, finance, real estate, intellectual property rights, trade and so on. The founder, Cui Xiang lawyer, graduated from Anhui Normal University in 1987 with double Bachelor degree in law and science.He is also a member of the Chinese Communist Party and the China law society. Since 1995, Cui Xiang has always maintained the service concept of essential, diligent, credible and pragmatic. Outside the seriously do a good job in every case ,he explores and concludes the theories of law,publishing several papers sequentially in these years. Since practicing law, Cui Xiang has been awarded as the excellent (Advanced) lawyer many times. The other lawyers in the office are all well-educated and have independent handling ability and rich experience in judicial practice. Telephone:(0553)8728006; 13905538411
  • 标准名称: 安徽崔翔律师事务所
  • 律所电话: 13905538411
  • 公司团队: 1+
  • 成立时间: 2010/4/20 8:00:00
  • 所在地址: 安徽省芜湖市芜湖县小康路飞扬商务中心A座6层
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安 徽 崔 翔 律 师 事 务 所 安徽崔翔律师事务所于2010年4月经安徽省司法厅批准设立,系芜湖市首家个人律师事务所。 本所自成立以来,一直坚守“以法为力、析理维权”的办所宗旨,为广大委托人提供了准确优质的法律服务,赢得了社会各界的认同,已办理各类案件逾千件,并担任政府机关、企事业单位、社会团体法律顾问五十余家。办理的案件涉及民商事合同、刑事、损害赔偿、劳动争议、公司股权、金融、房地产、知识产权、对外贸易等各个领域。 创办人崔翔律师1987年毕业于安徽师范大学,双本科学历,法学、理学双学士学位,中共党员,中国法学会会员。崔翔律师自1995年执业以来,始终秉持精业、勤业、诚信、务实的服务理念,在认真办好每个案件之外,还不断地进行总结和理论探讨,先后发表多篇论文。执业以来,崔翔律师数次被评为优秀(先进)律师。 本所其他律师均受过本科以上法律专业高等教育,具有较强的办案能力和丰富的司法实践经验。 电话:(0553)8728006、 13905538411 ANHUI CUIXIANG LAW OFFICE Anhui Cui Xiang Law Office, founded in April 2010 and approved by the Department of Justice of Anhui Province, is the first individual law office in Wuhu city. Since establishing, the office insistson the purpose of "Take power of law, safeguard rights based on legitimate analysis",and has been widely recognized due to its accurate legal services. Meanwhile, it has handled thousands of cases and served as legal adviser for more than 50 organizations, including government agencies, enterprises and social groups. The cases involved in civil and commercial contracts, criminal cases, injury compensation, labor disputes, equity, finance, real estate, intellectual property rights, trade and so on. The founder, Cui Xiang lawyer, graduated from Anhui Normal University in 1987 with double Bachelor degree in law and science.He is also a member of the Chinese Communist Party and the China law society. Since 1995, Cui Xiang has always maintained the service concept of essential, diligent, credible and pragmatic. Outside the seriously do a good job in every case ,he explores and concludes the theories of law,publishing several papers sequentially in these years. Since practicing law, Cui Xiang has been awarded as the excellent (Advanced) lawyer many times. The other lawyers in the office are all well-educated and have independent handling ability and rich experience in judicial practice. Telephone:(0553)8728006; 13905538411